Friday, September 26, 2008

Making Sick Calls(Like Kenny Tran Does!)

My cousin Neil made some sick calls last night in his home game. The board comes out A-9-2 with two spades and my brother insta-pushes his short stack. Neil goes into the tank and calls with the almighty Hammer(2-7off). He wins a nice pot and gets my brother’s bounty. He then makes a sick call against me when we are three handed and in the money. At the start of the hand I have 8000 and he has around 15,000. The blinds are at 400-800 and he limps from the small blind. I wake up with A-4 suited and smell weakness so I shove. He insta-calls me so fast it’s just sick. What monster does he have, hmm? He has the mighty A-8 off and has me crushed. Kudos out to him for recognizing that I was making a move after smelling his weakness. His A-8 holds up and I go out in 3rd, got my entry back for it. Then in the second tournament he gets me again. We were down to 5 handed and I was short, but not super short. Blinds were at 150-300 and 2 people limped for 300 so I shoved for 2450. I wanted to take the dead money out there right then without a showdown. Bad move by me, he insta-called me once again with J-Q off! He had around 6000 chips behind so it was a chunk of his stack. I had a crappy 5-7 of hearts. Flop came with a 5 and a Jack so I was behind. The turn brought a second heart so now I need any 5, 7, or heart to stay alive. As usual I can never suck out in Neil’s games. I would be happy winning a showdown as a 4.5-1 favorite once in awhile over there! Just a reminder if you are ever in Clifton NJ go to my cousin pizzeria, Neil’s Pizza on Harding ave., right off of Main ave. He makes the best Chicken Parm. around! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony.
P.S. – Please click through on my Google Banner, above this post.

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