Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Could You Lay This Hand Down?

My wife and I played in a well structured No Limit Tournament at Harrahs yesterday. Start with 10,000 chips, with 20 minute levels and there were no antes. I love these no ante tournaments being they play right into my tight aggressive style. This is why I have a huge success rate playing in pot limit HE tournaments online. Back to the hand in question. In the first level my wife raises with A-K suited and gets re-raised by the button. The flop comes A-K-3 rainbow and she leads out. The button player comes over the top all in. Remember this is level one 50-100 and she still has 8000 chips behind. What do you do here? There are a ton of really bad players in this so this is a hard decision for sure. What can he have to go all in here? You raise and get re-raised by someone you have no line on yet. Pocket threes seam highly unlikely being he re-raised pre-flop. Aces or Kings seam really unlikely being you have one of each in your hand. The random bizerko factor comes into play, he may be a donk going all in of Queens or Jacks. I would give this a 10% chance at best. Could he be overplaying A-Q, possible but not likely. A-K is a very strong possibility in my mind. In fact this is what I would put him on and make the call. She made the call and the results really don't matter. Well I will tell you how bad my wife is running in live No Limit tournaments. He had pocket Kings and my wife couldn't catch the 2 outer with 2 cards to come. She got knocked out in level one and had to go play the cash games. It worked out fine being she made double the buy in playing in a $3-6 Limit game full of donks. This hand was just a cooler plain and simple in my eyes. Does anyone think differently? Also would you the reader lay this hand down? I would love to read some people's opinions on this hand. Please leave a comment about it. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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