Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Running Sick Bad

We got back from our Atlantic City trip yesterday afternoon. So I decided to fire up the Poker sites and play a little online. I ran so bad it was just sick! I lost 90BBs in 2 hours. Also played two mtts and 3 sngs and only took a third in one Sit-N-Go. First I started playing fine and kept getting beat by runner-runner flush or straight. Then I started playing bad and made some bad bluffs. Only to get called down by bottom or middle pair. So I took a break to re-group and settle down. My first hand back I got all excited that things were turning around. I raised with A-K of clubs and the flop came jack high with three clubs.(Also a royal flush re-draw!) We capped the flop, and then a jack came on the turn. We capped again and built up a nice pot. Of course another Jack came on the river and I got beat. A few hands later, still seaming I got hit with an under full house. My pocket fives made Fives full of Queens only to lose to Q-8 off, which filled up on the river! I played a few more minutes but it was obvious I wasn’t going to win yesterday so I give up for the day. Instead I watched ESPN’s coverage of the main event. I don’t know what they are thinking sometime. They make the feature table the one with Chiu Gaing? While he is a great player and nice guy can anyone understand what he is saying? You mean to tell me there wasn’t anything more interesting to show then his table? Must have been a really slow Poker news day, LOL. Tonight I will be looking for some quick revenge. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Please continue to click through on my Google banner, above this post. Need to keep the lights on in this BLOG.

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