Sunday, September 28, 2008

Finally Home Game Success!

Played in a 16 man Sit-N-Go in a home game last night. I was finally able to overcome my snake biteness and cash in one! I took 2nd for 5 buy ins. Felt I played well but more importantly my big hands held up. Actually won 3 showdowns, which has been unheard for me lately, at my cousin Neil's house. When we got heads up I tried to cut a deal being the blinds were so big but we couldn't agree on it. He had a 2 to 1 chip lead so he was in control. Got coolered on the last hand. I flopped top pair and shoved all in, my opponent had flopped a straight. Oh well I was happy with second anyway. Shout out to my cousin Ant, he got cooled early in the first level. Aces to Kings sorry bro! Be careful playing online today, remember Sunday is donkday! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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