Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Grind Back to a Profit

Playing Online last night started out really bad. It felt like my running bad was going to continue from the last few days of play. Instead of bad beats I just kept running into monster hands. In the first 30 minutes I ran top pair into Aces no less than 6 times! Felt I wasn’t playing bad being I lost the minimum on these hands. Than I had Queens and a donk raised my on a flop of 10-7-5 rainbow. So I went into check and call mode. River comes with an Ace and it goes check, check. The donk bets nothing the whole hand and gets there and checks behind. What monster hand did he raise me with on the flop? Why of course A-2 off! At this point I felt really dejected and almost gave up for the night. I was down 30BBs already and not too happy about it. Instead I decided to just play lock down poker. So I fired up a Sit-n-go and played 2 other tables of full limit HE. The sit-n-go was going well, I was chip leader. Than when five handed I put the forth bet all in pre-flop with pocket Kings. They were no match for the luckbox’s pocket Queens! I was down but not out. When four handed I got aggressive, stealing the blinds every other hand. I finished second in this one, which was a really good finish for the way I have been running. Then things started turning around in the Limit Ring games. I finally got back to even and then some. I was getting tired so I shut it down up 3BBs for the night. Was more than happy to finish off a winner after the way I have been running online lately. On a personal note my mother finally got internet access, welcome to the online world! Of course now I will be spending time teaching her to use her new computer. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Shout out to cousin Ant, hang in there grind it all back! As always please continue to click through on my Google banner, above this post. Thanks!

Note – Ed if you are reading this leave me a comment.

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