Friday, October 24, 2008

Cousin Neil's Home Game

We had another fun home game at my Cousin Neil’s house last night. I am feeling the effects of it now, had a few glasses of red wine. Whenever I drink wine I don’t sleep well and sometimes have a slight headache the next day. Good news is we chopped the first Sit-n-go three ways so it was a slightly profitable night for me. We could have played it out but we were all close in chips. At this point it really was a luck fest. Besides five players were waiting for us to finish so we could start the 2nd one. I am not greedy, even though I felt I had an edge on the other players, am always willing to chop it. After all it’s a friendly game that I play in for fun, not to make money! One thing that peeves me is when I offered the chop one of my cousin’s started to egg on my cousin Neil to play it out. I think this is bad edict being the chop should be decided between the players left and no one else. Just my two cents on this subject. It was really a crazy game last night, saw quads 3 times in one night. We had one really crazy sick hand that I would like to share. Neil and Mike got all in pre-flop with pocket twos for Mike and pocket sevens for Neil. Flop came 2-rag-rag, so Mike has a set and Neil has him covered. Turn was a blank and Neil is yelling for a seven. My cousin Nick turns over the burn card, by accident and it’s a seven. Neil start yelling all happy until we point out that isn’t the right card. He gets a totally dejected look on his face. Then is happens Mike messes with the Poker Gods and says, “Boy that would be sick if the next card is a seven.” Sure enough Neil catches the case Seven for a one out re-suck on the river! We all went nuts after this hand. It was one of those crazy games for sure. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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