Monday, October 20, 2008


Playing Online started out really bad yesterday. If you read my last Post(Rant), got crushed with Kings over and over again. Those weren’t short pushes either, had decent stacks every time. It’s just that on Donkday people will call you real light. Like call an all in push, with 20BBs behind, with A-8 off? I was getting real frustrated but tried to play through it. Did have success in a Bounty Tournament on Ultimate Butt, finished in 11th out of 201 players for 2 times buy in cash. After this one I decided to shut it down for awhile. Later on we were about to go out and while I was waiting for the wife decided to play a little live Full Ring to pass a few minutes. I just crushed it big time. In 20 minutes I won 20BBs at Limit HE and 10BBs at low limit Stud on Ultimate Butt. This was enough money to cover all my bad beats in MTTs and SNGs from the morning. So I shut it down with a small profit for the day. I went out in a better frame of mind, for sure. I’m still feeling sick with a bug I have had for a little over a week. Can’t seem to knock it so I have been living on Aspirins for 8 days. Probably not a good thing for my stomach but hopefully this will pass. BTW I played in two Matrix Sit-N-Gos on Full Tilt this weekend, they are so much fun. Don’t think can make a big profit in them but they are a lot of fun to play in for us Stats Anal people! What happens is you buy in for the price of one Sit-N-Go and you play in four with all the same players. You win money for finishing in the top 3 in each one and then there is an overall leader board where the top three get paid. You get a point for outlasted each player knocked from your table. Also get a knockout point for each player you eliminate and there is a bonus for finishing in first. It’s a good way to test your skills against the same bunch of players at each table. If you don’t have a Full Tilt account please join through this BLOG with Promo. Code “AVIGANOLA”. If you do email me at and I will send you an extra bonus, on top of Full Tilt’s 100% deposit one!(Just State that you joined Full Tilt through my BLOG and include your screen name.) Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Also please click through on my Google Banner, above this post.

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