Thursday, October 02, 2008

Doom/Bad Beat Switch

The Bad Beat switch was thrown on for me last night on River Stars. I have noticed that two things always turn it on for me. One is if I write about running good always run bad for a few days after this. Second is whenever I do a withdrawal I always run sick bad. It’s a conspiracy I tell you. Maybe Online Poker really is rigged, not! I have been winning consistently for the five years I have been playing Online so I don’t believe this at all. What is happening is whenever I run sick good and write about it I get hit with the downside of variance. Usually I have been running super lucky so now my luck is evening out. Same thing with the “Withdrawal Curse”. Whenever I do a withdrawal it’s because I have been running good and have run my account up enough to be able to take some out. So last night I played Full Ring Limit HE and lost 42BBs in two hours. It was especially bad on River Stars where I lost the bulk of it. I also ran bad in Sit-n-Gos but still turned a small profit. Played in four and took a first in one of them. Just kept get coolered in all my Sit-n-Gos. I shoved pocket Tens into the Bid Blinds pocket Jacks. Then in another one I shoved pocket Queens into pocket Aces. So it wasn’t bad beats that got me here just bad set up hands. While now that I am writing about running bad tonight I should run good again. I have this all figured out, LOL. I am itching to play me some live poker. Maybe an AC trip this weekend would cure the itch, we shall see. It’s great living in between AC and Foxwoods/Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, for poker players. I have so many choices of where to play or I could just stay home and play Online. We will see what the weekend brings. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Please continue to click through on my Google Banner, above this post. Thanks so much.

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