Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Downturn

Last night I got hit with a dose of reality. Every bad beat that could happen to me occurred. This is the drawback to running good at Sit-n-Gos, eventually things turn the other way. At least I kept the loses to a minimum, didn’t even lose half of what I made the night before. So I decide to play some Full Ring Limit HE instead. Guess what my luck was bad there also. After a few minutes play I lost all desire to get punished anymore so I shut it down. Only lost 11BBs in 30 minutes but I could tell it would snowball into a bad night. This worked out well being it was around 7:50 anyway so I could go and enjoy ESPN’s Main Event coverage. I did fully enjoy it last night. The best part was watching the hands when they were on the bubble around 3 from the money. One hand would have caused me nightmares if I was on the losing end of it. A guy gets all in, 3 from the money, with a set of sevens on a flop of 7-4-2. He is against 8-7 off who is drawing super thin. Guy catches running eights to knock the set of sevens out close to the bubble. This hand illustrates how unfair Poker and life can be at times. Also I loved watching the former chip leaders spewing chips away. They got those big stacks by playing recklessly and they lost them the same way. In the one hand this guy puts in the forth raise pre-flop with A-5 sooted. He gets called by A-Q for half of his stack. I was glad to see the best hand win for a change. Another fun thing to watch was Johnny Chan at the feature table. Judging from the coverage you would think he was a calling station. He was right more times than he was wrong. I guess when you are a former world champ people take shots at you all the time. Overall the coverage was great and I enjoyed watching it last night. Looking forward to next week’s coverage. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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