Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Another Cooler

Played a Sit-N-Go on Monday night and got brutally coolered. This is the set up, down to 4 players and I am in the chip lead by 500 chips. We have too shorties both fighting to make the money. I get A-Q off on the button and bring it in for 3X the BB. I had been raising every other hand and taking down the blinds almost every time. The small blind, 2nd in chips, defends and we see a flop of A-Q-4. Yatzee for me, so I think. I do my patented weak lead, for a min. bet. He min.-raises me and I min.-raise back. He shoves and I snap call. Of course he has pocket fours and I lose most of my stack. I get knocked out on the bubble 2 hands later. From chip leader to bubble boy in one orbit! I made a lot of mistakes in this hand. Biggest one was snap calling his shove on the flop. Best case we were chopping the pot there. I really can’t put him on Queens or Aces being he was always re-raising with big pairs pre-flop. There was no flush draw and only a gut-shot straight draw out there so I can rule these out. Only hand he could have was pocket fours. I play better than this and should have tried to keep the pot small against the only person who could hurt me. If he shoves on the river I doubt I could lay it down anyway but maybe he would have value bet and not shoved. I really should have put more thought into this hand! Anyone see any other problems with how I played this hand? Maybe it was just a Full Tilt cooler after all. I would like to hear other people’s opinions on it. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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