Monday, November 03, 2008

Borgata Goofy Hands

So my wife and I played in a $5-10 Limit HE game at the Borgata on Saturday. There was some really goofy bad play in this game. This hand illustrates what I am talking about. Two people limp and my wife raises from the button. They take a flop of 8-9-4 three handed(rainbow). First player bets, middle player folds and my wife raises. All a standard normal play, she had pocket Aces. He re-raises so she puts the breaks on and just calls. At this point I put him on two pairs, eights and nines. After talking to her about the hand later on she figured the same. A four comes on the turn and he basically tells the whole table that his hand is no longer good(based on his body language). He checks and my wife correctly bets. After going into the tank for 5 minutes he calls. Come on now its Limit make up your mind in a few seconds. The river is an eight and he quickly checks, WTF? My wife bets and he insta-calls. She calls out Aces up and waits. He turns over 8-9 off and takes down a nice pot. What was he afraid of? This guy is probably afraid to cross the street in the morning. Fills up on the river and doesn’t bet or raise? Top full house, which has to be good based on the action in the hand. I guess he was worried that she had pocket fours for quads? This is the kind of goofy bad beats that we both had to deal with all day long. Tomorrow I will write about a hand that put me on Tilt. The play in $5-10 and $10-20 Limit HE at the Borgata is just so poor! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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