Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Enter the Matrix

I played in a $22 Matrix Sit-N-Go on Full Tilt last night, simply crushed it! I took three first places and won the leaderboard also. (Cashed out for $72, not bad.) In case you all are not familer with Matrix Sit-n-Gos you play four of them at the same time against the same people. The prize pool is divided up 5 ways, 4 ways for the top three in each one and one way for the top three leaders point wise. You get a point for out lasting each person at your table and two points for knocking someone out or for winning a single table. It's a lot of fun and it really cuts down on your variance. I always get some of my buy in back and usually turn a profit overall. I highly recomend them to all my readers. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony


  1. Mixed feelings so far.

    Like the idea of less variance, yet I sometimes walk away feeling shafted when I think I do well. Comes with the territory with Matrix SNG's. I think it is ideal for some and disaster for others.

    I fit somewhere in the middle and gotta figure that out...

  2. Trip maybe the novelty will ware off for me. Right now I have fun playing in them. Always get some of my buy in back, so that's a plus. Biggest drawback is it's hard to make real money playing them. BTW - You got to do more Poker posts, read your blog daily but you need to post more often :-). Thanks Tony
