Monday, February 09, 2009

Sit-N-Go Domination!

Finally something good to write about! I simply crushed Sit-N-Gos yesterday. Cashed in 8 out of 10! I now have 2 Step 3 tickets. One disappointing thing is I wanted to win a step 4 ticket, to use to play the Sunday Warm-up on Stars. At 12:35 I was knocked out in third, which is good for a repeat Step 3 but I didn't get to play in the warm-up.(Which starts at 12:45.) Played with two really good players who both had me out-chipped when down to the three of us. Nothing I did was working so I made a bad move with Q-8 off and got looked up by A-10 off, to get knocked out. Other than that the day was a huge success. Just putting up a winning day Online is a major victory lately. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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