Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bodog Sunday Major

Just got knocked out of the Bodog 100K and I am steaming. Had a very nice stack of 6200 chips with 275 players left with blinds of 200-400. I raise in late position with pocket Kings and the small blind snap calls me. The flop J-9-3 rainbow and I continue bet for 1/2 the pot. He again snap calls me. A Ten falls on the turn and he snap shoves into me. I go into the tank and decide I have the best hand and call. What do you think the Donk has? Of course K-Q off! He calls for 1/5 of his stack out of position! I hate bad players! I get knocked out a few hands later. Had enough chips to make it to the cash. I hate MTTs, especially on Sundays. No more poker for me today. Beware of the Donks! Tony

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