Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sit-N-Go Madness

Help Sit-N-Go Madness on Full Tilt has me in it's grasp! I six tabled last night for 2 straight hours to try to get onto the leader board. Did very well taking 2nd in 7 of 18 of them, but only won one. Pulled a nice profit but if I could have won a few more flips would have won a lot more! Played this morning for 2 hours and took some sick bad beats but made a huge come back to only loss a little. Give Sit-n-Go Madness a try but I am warning you it's addictive! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. - If you don't already have a Full Tilt Account please sign up and use Referral Code "AVIGANOLA"!

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