Thursday, March 26, 2009

Neil's Home Game

Good news and bad news from last night at Cousin Neil’s home game. Good news is I won the first Sit-n-Go, also got 2 bounties. Bad news is I took a sick bad beat to loss most of my chips in the 2nd one. An early position player shoved for 2/3 of my stack in the 4th round. The blinds were still pretty low at 150-300 but I had pocket Kings and of course snap re-shoved over him. He had the Blogger favorite hand of Ace-Jackass. Once I heard that my other Cousin folded Ace-Jack also just knew my pocket Kings were toast. First card off the deck was a King so I had high hopes for a bounty and a huge stack. Second card was a Queen so the Ace-Jackss had a gut shot. Of course a ten on the turn and my set of Kings goes down in flames being Live Poker is rigged. Play a few weeks in our Home game and you will never think Online Poker is rigged again. The sick hands and bad beats you see are just as bad as playing Online. Another Shout out to Cousin Nick for going deep in the 750K on Full Sunday night. Good job maybe next time we can both cash in it! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Once again please remember to click through on my Google Banner, above this post.

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