Thursday, June 25, 2009

Home Game Report

Sometimes I think I am psychic. Yesterday, 3 hours before even going to my cousin’s house, I sent a text to my cousin Nick stating to watch my go all in tonight with pocket Kings and get knocked out. I was close I went all in with pocket Kings and got crippled instead of eliminated. It was early in our weekly Sit-N-Go with 7 of 9 players left when Riz raised it up 3X under the gun for 600 chips. I had already chipped up winning two other small pots. I decided to not play slow by re-raising up to 1500 chips to go. This cleared out the field back to Riz who instantly went all in. I snap called him, without even thinking about it. The thing is I have a lot of history playing with Riz and he overplays A-K all the time. Also Aces, Queens, Jacks, and probably Tens are in his range also.(Maybe A-Q also!) Basically I only have one hand to fear here and it’s Aces, also I am not good enough to fold Kings pre-flop! He of course had Aces and I am crippled down to 575 chips. The blinds go up next hand to 150-300. In my big blind I get the almighty 10-2 off but have to call an early position raiser for my last 275 chips. He has A-8 but I out flop him when a two comes out. Of course he re-sucks out on me on the turn when an 8 drops. Why can’t I even get lucky in an all in situation? My luck in these home games is so bad, live Poker is so rigged. Then things went from bad to worse when I get a call that my father is in the hospital. Makes my bad beats/luck look insignificant. My father is suffering from severe back pain, so bad the ambulance took him to the Emergency room. He’s home today suffering, seems he re-injured his back doing work that he is supposed to be retired from. At least is looks like he will be ok with a lot of pain medicine and rest. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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