Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Step Madness

Step madness/fever has got me again! I started playing the ten steps on Ultimatebet and my obsession has caught me. Have vowed to only pay cash for Step 1s, which cost .11 cents so really all I can lose is a lot of time, no real money. This time around I am playing to win a September Aruba package to play in their yearly MTT down there. Being I love Aruba and am a glutton for MTT punishment it seems like a good idea. If I can parley less than 5 bucks into am 8K package, even better. I will keep you all updated on my progress in my step quest. Right now I have paid for 4 Step ones and currently have a Step 2 and a Step 3 from them. Tomorrow night will play a home game at cousin Neil's house so expect a report on Thursday. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. - Good luck Hoyazo in Vegas!

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