Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Short Vegas Report

While on vacation in Vegas I noted that Limit HE has really dried up these days, downtown that is. I could barely get a game higher than $2-4 Limit in downtown Vegas on this trip. I did play in some wild $3-6 games at the Nugget, with mixed results. On one night I got my ass handed to me repeatly for 2 hours before deciding to quit down 40 BBs! I lost with pocket queens twice and pocket Kings twice in one hour! Did lose with them in back to back hands to boot! In the first hand my Kings were against Tens who 2 outered me on the river! Very next hand I got 1 outered on the turn by pocket sixes! I played both hands super fast betting and raising on every street. This was the way these game was that night, very loose and very fast. It was a high variance game for sure. Even though the games were few and far in between they were very juicy. I lost in this session but had some great winning ones at the Bellegio. The games there were going and of all different stakes. So Limit He was to be found, just not downtown this trip. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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