Saturday, May 03, 2008


Today I turn 41, how time flys. I am writing this post from the Hampton Inn in Gallaway NJ, 3 miles from Atlantic City. We played a quick session of $10-20 at the Borgata last night. It was juicy, to say the least! I won a little over $600, at the two tables I played at. I love playing at the Borgata on Friday nights, it's a mix of grinders, drunks, and just terrible old school players. By old school I mean older players that drew up playing Stud and now play $10-20 and $20-40 without a clue! Some tables are full of sharks, just need to practice good table selection. Saw a sick hand last night, the kind that everything talks about that only happen online. A set of Sevens and a set of Jacks on the flop. The betting goes crazy on the turn. The original raiser calls 2 bets on the turn but then folds for 2 more. An Ace hits on the river and he goes ballistic! He swears he folded Aces on the turn. So it was a set, over set, over set hand! He made the right move, just it hurts to see someone else raking in an over $400 pot that you wouldn't have won. Will be playing more $10-20 today, wish me luck. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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