Monday, May 05, 2008

Winning Sunday!

Finally a winning day playing Online on a Sunday! What a relief it was after getting beat up 3 Sundays in a row. I dropped down 1 level in SNGs and the results were 10 times better. I ran so well that once I complete my block of 20 on Poker Stars I may be in the top 40 to receive a piece of their Battle of the Planets promotion. Don’t want to jinx myself being I have 10 more to play to finish the block. I went 5 cashes for 10 SNGs yesterday. More importantly I bubbled 4 times and got my money in ahead all 4! Got 3 outered on the River in 3 of them, thank you River Stars. Then I decided to play my remaining WSOP Step tickets and did great. I first played a Step 3 and won a repeat step 3 on the bubble. Again got it in good as a 2.5-1 favorite and lost. Then later in the day I played a Step 3 again and took it down to win a Step 4 ticket! I have decided to not sink any more money into these, so I am playing off the tickets I have already won. Let’s see if I can take my Step 3 and Step 4 ticket and turn them into gold. I played one MTT and got brutally coolered in it. I was in first for more than half the tournament. It was a RAZZ tournament on River Stars and I got rivered big time. We were at the final table with 7 players left, was in 3rd chip position.(5 places paid.) I started with 2-5-7 and brought it in for a raise, a 9 called me. (Terrible play this close to the money.) By sixth street I had a monster 7-5-4-3-2, I bet it out and he called. By this point most of both our chips were in the pot. He checked the river to me and I bet, leaving myself with 1000 chips behind. He called and had 7-5-4-3-A! He didn’t raise me, which was really weak. He caught the A on the river, only card that beat me.(BTW 2 were already out.) RAZZ can be so brutal at times. I got knocked out a few hands later. Played my heart out for 3 hours only to come up empty handed. MTTs can be so tough to deal with sometimes. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Thanks to my readers for clicking through on my Google Banner, above this post. Please keep up the good work : - ).

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