Tuesday, May 06, 2008

More Sit-N-Go BS

Sit-N-Gos are just brutal! My hat is off to the Sit-N-Go grinder that makes a living playing them all day. Don’t know how you can take all the disappointment, time and time again. I don’t think live play grinding is even half as bad. Last night I played 10 more $6.50 SNGs to finish out my block of twenty. I cashed in three of them for a small lose. Thing is I bubbled in 6 of the other 7! I was ahead all in almost every time. I ran queens into tens, Jacks into A-7, and Kings into A-10. If I win just two of these I have two more cashes, maybe 2 more firsts. The Queens into tens hurt the most. We were on the bubble, with the other 2 players short at the table. In the small blind I get queens, can’t fold them here can I? I push not wanting to play them out of position against the big stack, who barely has me covered. So I push them and he can’t wait to call me with Tens? I think his play was hideous, especially being I had a very tight image in this one. Of course Poker Stars rewards his bad play with a Ten on the turn. SNGs can leave you second guessing your plays over and over. I still feel I made the right play, just so hard to accept that I should have cashed, instead out on the bubble once again. I shut down for the night after this hand. Couldn’t take the BS anymore. On top of this I got crushed playing live on Ultimate Bet. Lost 35BBs playing Limit HE. Don’t remember a night where I made so many nut flushes and lost to Full houses. Also made King high two card flushes and lost on the river to the Ace high one card flush. It was sick but I am lucky to only be down that much, was down 50BBs a few minutes before I quit. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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